【50%オフ】 21,395円 ⇒ 10,697円 A Cambridge Clarion edition represents an unusual and attractive combination of features - a very readable text in a paragraph style, with a single-column layout all within a personal size reference Bible format. Here, the NKJV text is presented in a single column with the cross-references in the outer margin, giving the page a very well laid out appearance. The font size is a little under 9 point with generous line spacing. It is typeset in Lexicon No.1, a modern digital font which has many of the characteristics usually associated with traditional Bible typefaces - in particular, a degree of readability more usually associated with much larger type. The Bible has 15 new colour maps and a concordance. There are two ribbons to keep the place in different parts of the Bible. This is a Bible of the highest quality, printed on India paper with gilt edges, Smyth-sewn for flexibility and endurance, and bound in black calf split leather. 【SPECIAL PRICE☆50%OFF】NKJV Clarion Reference BibleBlack Calf Split LeatherNK484:X 型番 9781107676824 ポイント 534pt 販売価格 10,697円 在庫数 1 購入数 shopping_cartカートに入れる mail_outline この商品についてお問い合わせ ツイート error_outline 特定商取引法に基づく表記 (返品など) share この商品を友達に教える undo 買い物を続ける forum レビューを見る(0件) rate_review レビューを投稿